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Departure of Chair lift Cerchiare
Partenza Cerchiare

Place: Partenza Cerchiare
Position: view on depature of the chair lift "Cerchiare", at the run "Leone" and "Campo Scuola"
Altitude: 1534 m.s.l.m.

Arrival Chair lift Brecciara
Arrivo Seggiovia Brecciara

Place: Arrival Chair lift Brecciara
Position : view on arrival of the chair lift Campo Felice, at the run "Falco", departure of the run "Vergine" and "Scorpione".
Altitude: 1727 m.s.l.m.

Large Square Brecciara
Piazzale Brecciara

Place: Large Square Brecciara
Position: view on depature of the chair lift "Brecciara" and at the run "Vergine".
Altitude: 1414 m.s.l.m.

Lake Cisterna
Lago Cisterna

Place: Lago Cisterna
Position: view on depature of the chair lift "Cisterna", at the runs: "Panei", "Scorpione" and "Rondini".
Altitude: 1650 m.s.l.m.

Colle Destro
Vallone Innamorati

Place: Vallone Innamorati
Position: view on depature of the chair lift "Colle Destro", Shelter "Innamorati", Magic Carpet Innamorati.
Altitude: 1715 m.s.l.m.

Departure of Campo Felice 2

Place: Parterre Campo Felice
Position: view on the chair lift "Campo Felice" , at the run "Scorpione".
Altitude: 1546 m.s.l.m.

Departure of Campo Felice
Partenza Campo Felice

Place: Departure of Campo Felice
Position: view on depature of the chair lift "Nibbio", at the run "Scorpione" and "Orso".
Altitude: 1546 m.s.l.m.

Colle Sinistro
Vallone Innamorati

Place: Vallone Innamorati
Position: view on the chair lift "Colle Destro", Shelter "Innamorati", the run "Ariete".
Altitude: 1715 m.s.l.m.

Departure of Snow Park
Partenza Snow Park

Place: Departure of Snow Park
Position: view on the chair lift "Campo Felice", Snow Park area, the runs: "Scorpione" and "Gemelli".
Altitude: 1658 m.s.l.m.

Scorpione Run
Partenza Seggiovia Cisterna

Place: Departure of the chair lift "Cisterna"
Position: view on the run "Scorpione"
Altitude: 1680 m.s.l.m.