The skiing resort “Campo Felice” offers an excellent service even in the crowdest days, thanks to its five skiing schools "Campo Felice", "Le Aquile", "Le Rocche”, "Level Up", "Scuola Sci Rocca di Cambio" and "New Sport Generation"; where you can find ski and snowboard ski teachers as well as of other different branches.
Moreover, the skiing schools arrange the Day and the Week with a teacher.
On weekends, it is possible to spend a whole day, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a teacher and having a short lunch break with one of our ski teachers in one of the characteristic restaurants of Campo Felice.
It is possible to arrange social and / or business and / or amateur competitions by getting in contact with the Resort Manager at: direzione@campofelice.it
For further information, please contact our secretary’s office writing an e-mail to:
Ski School Campo Felice: siscampofelice@gmail.com
Ski School Le Aquile: segreteria@leaquile.biz
Ski School Le Rocche: info@scuolascilerocche.it
Ski School New Sport Generation: raffaghira@yahoo.it
Scuola Sci Rocca di Cambio: scuolasciroccadicambio@gmail.com
Italian Snowboard and Ski School Level Up: info@scuolalevelup.it